Rally Obedience

WoofBeach – Rally Obedience – 1840 Mill Street – Batavia – Call 630-326-9277

Looking for an effective and pleasant way to develop more focus with your canine pal? Whether you’re getting ready to take the Canine Good Citizen test, a therapy dog test or starting out in the realm of canine, taking a Rally Obedience class at WoofBeach will help you establish a firm foundation with your pup. The skills you’ll each learn can also help you in lots of other teamwork activities. Rally Obedience is a good companion to Basic Obedience Training.

“Rally-O” is a dog sport requiring communication between handler and dog in addition to performance abilities similar to dog obedience. Rally offers a good introduction to American Kennel Club events and provides challenging opportunities for those taking part in other events to enhance their skills.

Rally Obedience class refines your dog’s manners and offers applications in daily life. Our trainers utilize positive reinforcement techniques in a supportive, welcoming environment. Call WoofBeach today for more information!

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